lunes, 21 de enero de 2013

5.1 The main characterictics of animals

Animals are aukaryotics and multicellular organisms. They usually have organs and systems that are highy developed and so they can perform their vital functions very efficiently.

Their vital functions are:

  • Nutrition. They have organs that allow them to get large quantities of energy and nutrients.
  • Interaction. They have sense organs, a nervous system and structures like legs, tentacles, wings....
  • Reproduction: Animal reproduction can be asexual or sexual.
We can cassificate the animals in two big groups:

  • Vertebrates. Have an internal skeleton with backbone.
  • Invertebrates. Do not havean internal skeleton.
The main animals groups are:

1. Copy the diagram in your notebook, then click in the picture and do the exercise.
2. Write the meaning of: Backbone, skeleton and wing.

12 comentarios:

  1. 2)Backbone:columna vertebral,skeleton:esqueleto and wing:ala.

  2. Hello! My name is GÉNESIS.
    2-Backbone:Columna vertebral.

  3. Hello, I´m Sara. There are my answers:

    2)Backbone: columna vertebral.
    Skeleton: esqueleto.
    Wing: ala.

  4. Vertebrates:fish,reptiles,mammals,amphibians and birds
    Invertebrates:worms,porifera,molluscs,arthropods,cnidaria and echinoderms.

  5. Las respuestas son estás : 2) Meaning"backbone": Bones that form a flexible column from the skull to the pelvis. ; The series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord. The human skeleton is complete and organized set of pieces of bone that provides the body with strong multifunctional structure Ala is a body part of an animal, which serves to blow 1) Vertebrate:Fish , Reptiles,Birds , mamals , Amphibians Invertebrados:

  6. Hello, I'm Juan Diego.

    2.- Backbone: Skeletal axis located at the back and comprising articulated vertebrae together.
    Skeleton: Set of bones that have vertebrate animals.
    Wing: Organs that use birds to fly.

  7. Pedro Javier
    Backbone: Columna Vertebral
    Skeleton: Esqueleto
    Wing: Ala

  8. 1. - backbone: is an articulated system and of great resistance, which spreads from the head up to the pelvis and which is divided in five regions. In Spanish it is espina dorsal
    2.-skeleton: set of bones in Spanish is esqueleto
    3.-wing: everyone of the organs or appendices you give birth that some animals use to fly. In Spanish it is alas
    Stefanía RIvas Bravo

  9. Hola, soy Isabel Larios:
    Backbone: Columna vertebral.
    Skeleton: Esqueleto.
    Wing: Ala.

  10. Pedro Jesús Larios Sánchez:

    Backbone: Principales conexiones troncales de Internet.

    Esqueleto:l Esqueleto es el sistema biológico que proporciona soporte y apoyo a los tejidos blandos y músculos en los organismos vivos.

    Ala:Es una estroctura que permite a los animale volar.

  11. Hola, soy Marisa Mena Sánchez, aquí le dejo las preguntas:

    1º. In my notebook.

    2º. Backbone: Columna vertebral.
    Skeleton: Esqueleto.
    Wing: Ala.
